Life of Purpose Planner


A Simplicity & Productivity co. product

Designed & presented by Fabelle Creative Co.


Called to a Mission

The great English theologian and poet John Henry Newman believed that we are each called by God to fulfill some mission in our lives. That may be through courageous and radical actions, like those of St. Joan of Arc; or in day-to-day gestures of great love, like the little way of St. Therese of Lisieux. Whatever your mission, the Life of Purpose Planner is designed to help you find and fulfill it, by providing a place of clarity, accountability, inspiration, and reflection.



“Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny.”

–Stephen Covey | The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People


The five sections of the Life of Purpose Planner

Writing things down is a scientifically-proven way to off-load your brain and gain peace and focus. Unlike your typical planner, the Life of Purpose Planner is designed for more than just keeping a schedule—it facilitates a way of life.

Made in Italy with recycled leather, the workbook is broken into sections for preparation and reflection on a monthly, weekly, and daily basis, and includes a project task organizer and habit tracker as well to help you excel in both what you do and who you are. This repetition of regular preparation, action, and reflection allows you to learn from your past, stay accountable in your present, and prepare for your future—all the while keeping your most important goals and priorities at the forefront of your mind. 

  1. Monthly

  2. Weekly

  3. Daily

  4. Project Organizer 

  5. Habit Tracker


More than a planner.

A way of life.

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Everything in one place.

The Life of Purpose Planner is not assigned to a specific year, but allows you to operate at your own pace, starting at any time. Printed in three-month quarterly increments with replaceable inserts, the Life of Purpose Planner is small enough to take anywhere, but still allows for you to keep everything in one place—long-term goals, professional tasks, personal schedule, journaling notes, and more. Infused with inspirational artwork, motivational quotes, and productivity hacks, each section breaker draws upon the wisdom of past pioneers to help you continue the daily challenge of living your purpose. 



The early adopter of this product is a professional Christian woman between the ages of 19 and 45, who is driven by career and mission, values aesthetics and functionality, believes in sustainable living, and supports local artisans and ethically-made products. She is seeking a strategic productivity tool to help her conquer her schedule, tasks, and habits, so as to live more meaningfully, follow God’s will, and have time to enjoy the things she values most in life.

  • target audience: Women

  • Aged: 19-45

  • Income: >$50K

  • Religion: Christian/Catholic

  • Driven by: Career & Mission



The monthly section is fairly straightforward, with a blank calendar and lots of note space for memos, deadlines, journaling, etc. At the bottom of the page is a list of five “Top Goals,” each with a gray bubble next to it. These bubbles are used throughout the workbook and are one of the ways in which the Purpose Planner is unique among productivity resources. At the beginning of the planner, the user is challenged to select five categories that are of the highest priority to them at the time, such as faith, family, community, health, career, or school. These same categories are revisited any time a prompt appears with the bubble-shaped space, encouraging the individual to center their life around those priorities and track how they are doing in each area.



Build your life around the 4-6 categories that are of the highest importance to you right now, such as faith, family, health, career, or school.

Productivity Hacks, The Life of Purpose Planner



Weekly Plan

This sheet provides a quick bird’s-eye view of the week for noting important dates, deadlines, or activities for each day; a chart for routine activities such as exercising, with fillable bubbles to indicate which days they are done so the little things don’t get missed; top priorities and to-dos for the week; and a category checklist for one thing the user can do to improve each important area of their life. Finally, there are two prompts to keep positivity and motivation up: one thing the person is looking forward to, and a way to reward themselves at the end of the week for a job well done.

Weekly Review

Every week, the user has a full spread to make a humble reflection of the previous week and begin preparing for improvement. The left page provides a side-by-side comparison of the week’s wins and losses; a space to identify any overarching theme experienced; meaningful moments to remember; and the prompts, “I am proud of myself for,” “I am not so proud of,” “I am grateful,” and “I am learning.” The right page offers a thorough examination of the five categories, note space for journaling, and a bulleted list for things to remember when planning out the following week.



The planner’s bread and butter are its daily pages, which allow you to plan out your hourly schedule, top three priorities, and to-dos; and to rate and reflect on the events of the day.


Daily Plan

Like the rest of the planner, the date is not preselected, but there is a space to fill it in, as well as an indicator of which day of the week it is, which helps when flipping back to the routine tasks section on the Weekly planner page. There is a pre-filled check box on the to-do list for these routine tasks, as well as one for habits—referencing the Habit Tracker section—and a prompt for one way the person can give of themselves that day: “Be your best self by.” On the top of the right page beside the date is a prompt: “Today is.” This can be used for holidays, birthdays, special occasions, or used for motivation, such as “Today is a new day,” or “going to be wonderful.” There is also a section labeled “Motivation” beneath the to-dos and schedule. This is a touchpoint for the user to remind themselves why it is important to finish their tasks, what they have to look forward to if they succeed—such as a reward at the end of the day—or a long-term goal that drives them to work hard, such as financial freedom or even something as big as reaching Heaven.


Daily Review

The end-of-the-day review encourages a sort of simplified examination of conscience—a practice of reviewing one’s thoughts, words, actions, and omissions of the day, in order to determine where one stands with God. This is helpful in both a spiritual and professional sense. By reflecting on the highlights and lowlights of the day, writing down insights learned from the day’s experience, bringing to mind what one is most thankful for, and determining an action for improvement the following day, users of the Life of Purpose Planner will increase their focus, self-awareness, and determination to live their best life. Some note space allows for whatever they need to use it for: journaling, productivity charts, meeting notes, grocery lists, doodles, et cetera.

  • Blank date & occasion

  • Top three priorities

  • Eight to-dos

  • Checkbox for routine tasks

  • Checkbox for habits

  • Prompt for best self

  • 6am-10pm schedule

  • Motivator box

  • 1-5 daily rating

  • Highlights & Lowlights

  • Insights, thankful, tomorrow

  • Note space


Project Organizer

This section of the Life of Purpose Planner allows people to lay out all of their projects in order to determine sub-tasks and next steps, mapping them out within one’s own determined time frame. This provides a bird’s-eye view of one’s workload and a road map for how long it will realistically take to finish each project. The Project Organizer will be used differently depending on the person’s situation. For some, the project box can hold clients; while for others, they may contain personal projects like home improvement. They can even be used for the five categories one selects, in order to map out long-term improvement or determine steps towards a bigger goal. The time frame increments can be determined individually: some people will have a small number of projects over a long period of time, whereas other people may have a large number of projects over a short period of time. Regardless, all four project slots are subject to the same time frame—such as a week, month, or quarter—so that one can look down the list and see how much they have on their plate for that particular span. The flexibility of the layout caters to any need, and people can overflow to the next spread, labeling it by category or time frame. This can then be referenced when planning out the month, week, or day’s priorities.


Habit Tracker

The Habit Tracker is an accountability system based on the scientifically-backed idea that it takes twenty-one straight days for a repeated action to become a habit. The tracker sheets feature three habits—labeled by category and priority level—that can be tracked over any four-week period. The first three weeks allow the user to work on developing the habit, while the fourth provides a week of testing to see if the practice was successful. Beneath each week’s daily checkboxes are some lines where one can jot down why they missed a day, or other helpful insights.



“The person who is trustworthy in very small matters is also trustworthy in great ones.” 

Luke 10:16


Section Breakers

Rooted in the wisdom of the saints, each section breaker of The Life of Purpose Planner features Catholic artwork of various individuals who purposefully followed the will of God: St. Joan of Arc, St. Josephine Bakhita, and St. Catherine of Siena, to name a few. Alongside these art pieces are quotes by them that correspond to each section of the journal to inspire the user to rise to the occasion and seize the present moment for God’s glory.


Thank you!

We hope you love the Life of Purpose Planner as much as we do, and that it helps to simplify your life so you can pursue God’s will and be the best version of yourself. Thanks for reading!

Rebecca Loomis

Rebecca Loomis is a graphic designer, artist, photographer, and author of the dystopian fiction series A Whitewashed Tomb. Rebecca founded her design company, Fabelle Creative, to make it easy for small businesses to get the design solutions they need to tell their story. In her free time, Rebecca enjoys traveling, social dancing, and acroyoga.

Train Everywhere


Jacob Popčak: Art, Soul, Mind