
Metanoia Catholic Coaching Foundations
Editorial Rebecca Loomis Editorial Rebecca Loomis

Metanoia Catholic Coaching Foundations

Metanoia Catholic is a coaching program that works with students to discover their talents, overcome their obstacles, and live the life God has planned specifically for them. They baptize secular coaching methods with a Catholic perspective, because to grow successfully in life and work, one also must grow spiritually. 

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A Whitewashed Tomb
Editorial Rebecca Loomis Editorial Rebecca Loomis

A Whitewashed Tomb

My debut novel, A Whitewashed Tomb, was a labor of love that challenged not only my writing, but also my graphic design and layout skills. Rather than publishing traditionally, I decided to do everything myself: from the cover design to the interior layout, Kindle formatting, and marketing materials.

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Essence: Assault on the Mind
Art, Editorial Rebecca Loomis Art, Editorial Rebecca Loomis

Essence: Assault on the Mind

Essence: Assault on the Mind is the first of a science-fiction crime novel series following FBI Agent John Rocco. In this episode, Rocco faces a dangerously brilliant neuroscientist who has managed to breach dimensions with his mind, and plans to use an app called eTelepathy for widespread mind control.

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Primordium, A Novel
Editorial Rebecca Loomis Editorial Rebecca Loomis

Primordium, A Novel

The truth is, people do judge books by their covers. You can have an extremely well-written, engaging story—but if its formatting screams "amateur," people will assume the content is, too. Good books deserve good design.

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Full Armor Band
Editorial, Art Rebecca Loomis Editorial, Art Rebecca Loomis

Full Armor Band

Full Armor Band's new record, The Things That Last, marked a new season for the band. It was the first time they'd collaborated to write all the songs together. This label really needed to stand out from the rest.

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